10 Commandments of Score Keeping
1 - Thou shall not talk while keeping score.
2 - Thou shall not move about -- STAND STILL!
3 - Thou shall not look at the shooter. Stand facing the board.
4 - Thou shall not call out the score of a dart until all darts have been thrown -- unless asked.
5 - Thou shall not tell a shooter what to shoot.
6 - Thou shall not tell a shooter what combinations to shoot for an out.
7 - Thou shall not change a score if that player has shot again and a second score is written down.
8 - Thou shall not lean out to see where a dart is or follow the darts with head movement.
9 - Thou shall not show any signs of disgust or excitement while scoring.
10 - Thou shall not change sides of the scoreboard of the players (or teams). If you start a team or player on the left, leave them on the left, regardless of the bull shot.